The frozen wasteland of a distorted materialistic nightmare


The sunlight fades
in the wasteland of memories
The darkness fall and life goes to a nightmarish spiral
in a silent dark daylight of an oblivious tomorrow
to the depths of a silent whisper of a culture of traumatic

Discover this dark story……

Here you can hear the song in many other streaming platforms:

Here is my link tree page where you can find all online platforms that my songs and art world are:

The nightmarish silence of a false reality


In the nightmarish hourglass of time
The memories of the sunset fade in a lie
The dark sunlight appear
A dance to the oblivion of dark memories
An awakening to a false reality
In a world that never rests
And never questions the truth
The aura of life is starting to awaken
In order to restore the sun
That will restore the light of lost abandoned hearts

Disocver this dark story!!!

And here you can find all the stearming platforms,where you can hear the song:

Here you find all the online platform that my song and art wrolds are: